Maybe you just bought one of our himalayan rock salt lamps, or maybe you’re looking to get one. In either case, to get the most out of your new pink crystal salt lamp you really need to know how to best use them. So what ARE the uses? What are they Really used for? Good questions!
If mishandled your salt lamp will blow bulbs frequently and even worse, not provide you any of the health benefits that it was meant to, which is a major reason why you use them right? So read on to see how YOU can avoid that...
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- how to put a salt lamp together
- how to effectively use a salt lamp
- where to put your salt lamp
- how many salt lamps should I get
- salt lamps for aromatherapy and oil diffusers
How to put a salt lamp together – assembly guide
So you just got your salt lamp. Great news! But you’ll notice that it doesn’t come pre-assembled and ready to plug-in. Don’t worry, this is normal, salt lamps are shipped this way to protect the various components during shipment.
There’s three components to it, the lamp itself (which comes with the base attached), the bulb (which is often packed inside the lamp) and the cord and globe holder.
Precautions to take:
Use clean hands
Before you start installing the lamp make sure you clean your hands. This is because oil from your skin can get on the bulb, and when it heats up this oil can crack the glass causing your bulb to fuse. You can also use gloves or a paper towel to handle the bulb.
Don't squeeze too hard
Salt lamp bulbs are relatively small so don’t squeeze too hard when you’re screwing them into the globe holder as they could crack.
Visit our salt lamp care and maintenance guide to see a full guide on how to put together your salt lamp with pictures and step-by-step instructions.
How to handle your salt lamp
Moving a salt lamp is not as easy as moving any other lamp. If the bulb inside the lamp touches the inside of the salt lamp several things can go wrong:
The bulb can crack:
It can crack and fuse if it hits the inside of the lamp hard.
The bulb can take on water:
Collected moisture on the inside of the lamp can drip onto the hot bulb causing the hot glass to crack.
The lamp holder can take on water:
The water can also drip down into the lamp holder itself causing rust and damage to the electrical components. Which will result in a broken cord or constantly-fusing bulbs.
To avoid the above possible problems follow these steps when handling your lamp.
Step 1 - Turn the lamp off for a few minutes before moving it so the bulb can cool.
Step 2 - When it’s cool carefully pick up and move the lamp to where its needed. With our special cords and salt lamp bases that effectively "lock together" for a very snug fit, the risk for bulb or cord damage is much lower. This is not the case for every salt lamp seller, see Our Lamps page to lear more about the special features which make the difference.
Step 3 - If you need to move it a bigger distance, carefully remove the globe holder from the lamp and carry the cord separately to the lamp, reinserting it at the new place.
This might sound like a lot to do but don’t worry, in most cases you won’t need to do this. Salt lamps and their electrical components are not fragile and can withstand regular handling.
However, you might be running into problems with bulbs fusing OR you might just want to take necessary precautions anyway, which is great!
If you do find your bulb fusing often or flickering when you move it, then you definitely need to take the precautions above while handling your lamp.
You can also browse our salt lamp replacement bulbs which are the highest quality bulbs available, we explain the important details on getting the best salt lamp bulbs in Our Lamps page. A 6 pack of salt lamp bulbs would be perfect as that will last you a very long time compared to just getting one replacement.
How to effectively use a salt lamp
The number one tip for getting the most out of your salt lamp is to leave it on 24/7. Salt lamps are hygroscopic and draw in water.
This means they tend to collect and “leak” water, we wrote more about it here. A little leaking is normal and nothing to fret over, however it’s best to keep your lamps dry if you can (especially if you want to save your furniture from drippy salt water stains).
Keeping your lamp on will keep it warm, and any water it collects will evaporate right away.
Salt lamp’s don’t use a lot of power so don’t worry about pushing up the power bill by keeping it on. However If you live in a humid environment, just this alone won’t be enough to stop the lamp from getting wet.
Here’s a list of troubleshooting things you can do to keep your lamp dry:
- Use higher wattage bulbs. These will generate more heat and evaporate more water. To learn more about what wattage to use for which salt lamp check our care and maintenance guide under "changing your lamps light bulb".
- Place your lamp away from humid rooms/areas like the kitchen or bathroom.
- Always use coasters/placemats for placing your lamp, especially on wooden surface that are susceptible to damage from salt water. Make sure you buy a quality silicon placemat like the one we sell, you can check them out here, salt lamp placemats.
- Use a lint free cloth to dab your lamp dry once in a while if it gets too moist.
Watch your salt lamp for signs of damage
If you want to get the most use out of your rock salt lamp, be prepared to notice signs of damage.
Usually when you notice your bulb flickering a lot it means that your lamp holder (which holds the bulb) or the cord itself is damaged.
In this case we recommend you get a replacement salt lamp cord that meets Australian electrical standards like the ones we sell, see our salt lamp replacement cords.
An old or damaged cord will blow any bulb you put into it, so it’s best to replace the cord first and then the bulb.
When it comes to the bulbs for salt lamps, NOT ALL BULBS ARE EQUAL. There is a massive difference between different salt lamp bulbs. At the salt lamp shop we get the highest quality Taiwanese bulbs, built to last and perform. Most sellers will cut costs and compromise quality. To read more about this visit Our Lamps page to see what makes our lamps different.
We recommend you buy a pack of bulbs as they’re cheaper in bulk, and since even the best bulbs will last only 42 days with 24/7 use, you'd need atleast a 6 pack to last you for the year.
Don’t use LED bulbs for your salt lamp
LED bulbs may come in cool colours, and be tempting to use in your salt lamp but they don’t produce any heat. And since all of salt lamps’ health benefits come from the bulb inside heating the pink rock salt outside, LED bulbs can't be used.
The warm salt is what does all the magic. So if you remove the heat, you remove the benefits.
Unless you simply want a salt lamp for decorative purposes (and who could blame you) since they do look charming in almost every room, in which case you can experiment with coloured LED bulbs.
Cleaning a dirty salt lamp
Just like everything else salt lamps need to be shown a little love to thrive and survive and one MUST-DO for all lamp owners is cleaning your lamp now and then.
Salt lamps are fairly low maintenance so you won’t have to do this often, but when they collect a lot of dust and debris on the surface,
follow these simple steps to clean it good as new:
Step 1 - Turn your lamp off and let it cool.
Step 2 - Wet a cloth then wring it thoroughly until its just a little damp.
Step 3 - Gently dab your salt lamp to clean the surface. DO NOT rub your lamp as it will erode the salt.
Buy a rock salt lamp with a dimmer
When you buy a salt lamp make sure it has a dimmer (like all of our lamps). A dimmer can do everything a normal switch can and more!
Unlike a normal switch a dimmer will allow you to control the brightness of your lamp. This is really handy as it lets you dim the lamp and use it as a night light on your bed side table.
The closer your lamp is the more benefits you receive so having it on your bedside while you sleep is just perfect. If you didn’t have a dimmer, it may be too bright to keep that close.
So dimmers allow you to both keep your lamp close to you AND to be kept on all the time.
Our selection of salt lamps both natural and crafted rock salt lamps, come with Dimmer switches as standard.
Where to put your salt lamp?
Keeping your lamp close to you in your bedroom is a great way to use your salt lamp. Salt lamps have a range of effect that depends on their size. But the closer you get, the more intense the benefits will be for you.
So it’s best to keep your salt lamps in places where you spend the most time, and the closer the better.
Some places in your home where you SHOULD put your salt lamps include:
- On your bedside table in your bedroom – keep your lamp on as a night light and you’ll have deeper better sleeps and clean air at night.
- On your study desk or next to your favourite sitting spot.
- Next to a sofa that you frequently use.
- Anywhere in your home where you spend a lot of time.
You don’t want to place your salt lamp in a potentially risky spot where children or pets could harm themselves. Pet's sometimes tend to lick salt lamps which can cause health issues, and children can tip them over which may be dangerous too.
You should also avoid putting your lamps in in open places where there is a constant airflow, as your lamp won’t be able to clean the new air and will constantly be collecting moisture.
Places NOT to put your salt lamp:
- Next to an open window.
- Outside of the house.
- Rooms no one uses.
- Anywhere that’s too accessible to pets or toddlers (for safety reasons).
- In humid areas like the kitchen or bathroom.
- On top of electronics or expensive furniture (wooden especially) where dropping moisture could cause damage.
Taking your salt lamp to work
You might have asked yourself if you can take it to work? That’s a great idea, especially if your work involves computers.
Having one next to your computer or on your work desk will help neutralize the harmful positive ions generated by your computer.
By the same token it’s also a great idea to place it next to your TV or any other electronic devices, especially those that are on all the time. As long as you don't place it next to very loud speakers, as that can shake an damage the bulb filament.
If you are a health professional like a physician, yogi, massage therapist, acupuncturist, psychologist, energy healer, or similar then a salt lamp can be a great addition to your practice as well.
We recommend that you get large ones for your waiting room 15kg+, as they look great and can create a clean and friendly atmosphere.
Consider putting it in the following locations:
- Waiting rooms.
- Consultation rooms.
- Yoga and pilates studios.
- Acupuncture treatment rooms.
- Therapy rooms.
- Spa centres.
- Living rooms, and bedrooms.
- And anywhere else you’d want them!
The warm glow of salt lamps brings relaxing effects to everyone present and they make a great addition to any of the above listed settings.
They’re also great for assisting meditation. Simply place them in front of you while meditating and they can help you get into a meditative state deeper and faster.
How many salt lamps should I get?
How many salt lamps you need depends on two things. One, how big the rooms are where you intend to put salt lamps and; two, how much electrical activity is present in those rooms?
How big is your room – this is important because larger salt lamps have a larger area of effect. In general, 1kg of salt lamp will be effective for 1.5 square meters of floor space. So divide your rooms floor space by 1.5 and you will get how many kg’s you need.
An important point to know though is that multiple small lamps will have a stronger effect than one large lamp. So for example, three 2kg lamps, will have more purifying power than one 6kg lamp, even though they both are 6kg in total. There are 3 reasons for this:
More surface area - when you have more lamps you have more total surface area of salt exposed to the air. So, if you were to measure how many square feet of salt there is on the surface of three 2kg lamps, it would be more than the surface area of one 6kg lamp. More surface area means that more of the air in contact can be purified. It’s a definite plus. We recommend getting multiple lamps for this reason.
The second reason is that 3 small lamps will get hotter much faster than 1 large lamp. And a hotter lamp means more negative ions will be generated. So it’s a win-win.
The third reason is that you can spread 3 small lamps all across your room, increasing the range of your lamps. Whereas 1 large lamp, great as it may be, can only cover one spot.
Electrical activity - what size salt lamp you should get depends on not only the size of your room but also on how much electrical activity is in the room.
If your room has a lot of electronic devices, for example like your living area which could have a TV, speakers, a laptop and several phones lying about.
Then you should get a larger lamp as more negative ions will be needed to combat the positive ions being generated by these devices.
So instead of getting two 7kg lamps, you should upgrade to two 10kg lamps to account for the extra positive EMF radiation in that room.
With that in mind though getting one large lamp is not a bad option. Large lamps have an imposing and majestic look that’s unique on it’s own.
They have a softer more relaxing glow as the light is spread through a larger amount of crystal salt giving a richer red. Why not get the best of both worlds? We recommend getting one large lamp paired with two small lamps for the best results.
Look at our salt lamp packages to save on multiple lamps.
Salt lamps for aromatherapy and oil diffusers
One of the most useful and unique uses of salt lamps is to combine them with aromatherapy oil diffusers. There’s two varieties of salt lamp compatible oil diffusers. The first, and our recommended style, is the integrated salt lamp oil diffuser.
The Integrated Oil Diffuser
In this one the scented oil is added directly into diffuser which is carved into the lamp. The benefits of this is that it receives more heat from the lamp and diffusion starts as soon as you add your oil.
In this way you get both the benefits of the salt lamp’s air cleansing properties as well as the aromatherapy. You may be asking, can the salt lamp absorb this oil like it absorbs water? Luckily, salt does not attract oil in the air like it does water, so we can sit back and relax on that one.
This style of diffuser is also very convenient and requires no special setup, since it’s inbuilt. Be sure to only buy an authentic himalayan aromatherapy salt lamp (see our aromatherapy salt lamp) as there are many fake salt lamps in the market.
The Add-on Oil Diffuser
Alternatively, there’s another cool diffuser worth checking out as well. This one’s an add-on salt lamp accessory and great to have if you already have a normal salt lamp.
It’s a little less convenient in it’s setup and take’s a little longer to warm up compared to the integrated diffuser but does the job just as well in the end.
The add-on type (left) , and the integrated type (right)
With all of that in mind, don’t stress! Using your salt lamp is not as hard as it may seem, just follow some of the basic guidelines we’ve listed in this article and you’ll do just fine.
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We hope you enjoyed this read!
From, The Salt Lamp Shop
Would 2 small lamps be ok for an average size bedroom. 1 on the bedside table & 1 on the small bookcase about 2 feet away from the TV
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